Mission of the Special Appropriations Fund
“The ASUW Special Appropriations Fund is a student-levied, student-distributed fund to support and enhance the out-of-class experience of students. The fund provides one-time funding grants to student-initiated and -developed event-centered programs which enrich the cultural, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being of the student.”
The mission says it all – the Association Students of the University of Washington created the Special Appropriations Fund to ensure student groups are continuously able to engage the UW student community through relevant and timely programming. We hope to help Registered Student Organizations bridge the financial gap between “event planning” and “event implementation”. ASUW is here to serve you!
Values & Primary Funding Goals
- Wideness of Appeal
- Directed at UW Students
- History of Success
- Pursuing other Funding Sources
- Essential Items before Supplementary Needs